Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Greece! Starring Eric Dueck! There's even a musical!

Well I know Lindsey does most of this, but I figured I should get my two cents in as well.

Life here is pretty easy so far. The parents are picking up the tab for most of the stuff in the first week. Joel is horribly homesick. I have held him almost every night as he cries himself to sleep. I've come up with a little lullaby that seems to work pretty good, and i try to sing it the way his mother would. I'll share a few verses with you so you can get a taste of what our evenings are like from about 9:30-2 or 3 in the morning.

"Don't cry Joel 'cuz I'm here by your side,
I'll hold you for as long as it takes.
Everything's going to be ok,
Please don't cry for Pete's sakes.

I know you miss home and ol' Petey,
He'll be waiting for you with a bark and a kiss,
I know you miss home and ol' Stevesy,
He'll be waiting for you with that lobsided grin.

Everything's going to be ok, Joel,
You're ok when you're in my arms.
Everything's going to be ok, Joel,
Your mom's looking up at these same stars."

Something like that, and it goes on for 5 or 6 hours sometimes, or until my voice gives out.

Anyway, on to more happy news, Sean is searching madly for love. Every girl he sees gets asked on a date, and he's only been slapped five times!! We're all rooting for you, Sean! We've also taken to dressing up Kelly Ann as a boy, because it's so tempting to sell her off to a dashing Greek man, and this way she gets fewer propositions.

Time is just flying by (except for Joel, poor guy) and it's hard to believe a week has gone by already.

I sure am glad i'm not Jewish, because we eat a lot of spiced pork here, as well as sausage and ham. Not to mention the whole Christmas thing. Sean will often prepare himself a nice tall glass of warm goat's milk with a dash of honey that he collects himself from a wild hive behind the house (if he hadn't cut his hair he'd be a modern day Samson!) He says it helps him sleep. We're trying to get Joel to drink some, to see if that helps.

Well, I'm gonna sign off...


. said...

wow... so many incredible pictures to look at and now this oh-so-enjoybale song to read (if only it came with the soundtrack)

can't wait to join ya'll!

Cheryl said...

Eric and Sean I had a good laugh reading your entries. I actually have a sore stomach! Good on ya! keep having fun!